Where I Begin, Again

Hey, remember me? I’m that guy from the internet. Maybe you know me as a food blogger. Maybe you know me as a craft beer enthusiast. Maybe you know me as a sarcastic asshole on Twitter. Maybe you know my photography, or maybe it was YouTube. Maybe it’s all of those things, maybe it’s none of them.

If it’s none of them, that’s great. If it’s all of them and you’re wondering where I’ve been, I’ll try to explain. My name is Scott, and I’m starting again.


Have you ever had something way longer than it was supposed to last but you just couldn’t get rid of it? An old t-shirt that was so worn out you could see right through it. A piece of furniture that was falling apart but it had some kind of sentimental value so you just kept it but never used it because it would break if you looked at it the wrong way. Shot glasses that you got on past vacations that you’ve never used and now you’re sober but you keep them anyways. That last one is pretty specific to me…

That’s where I am with everything I’ve ever done on the internet. I hate all of it. I’m painting with a pretty broad brush here, but it’s the truth. It’s been 11+ years since I joined Twitter. Then came Instagram, followed by YouTube. 2020 has been a real kick in the teeth for everyone, but Twitter is where I feel it the most. Regular dumpster fire Twitter plus Covid and the 2020 US election… Holy shit. It’s too much. I logged out for awhile, then I deactivated my account, then I logged back in, then I unfollowed everyone, then I tried to refollow everyone I’d unfollowed. WHY?!? WHO CARES. Being off twitter doesn’t mean I’m missing out on anything. I get a normal amount of news from regular places like the radio (what a concept) and my mental health has improved dramatically.

I really do…

I really do…

Then there’s Instagram. LIKES LIKES LIKES! GOTTA GET THOSE LIKES! DOES EVERYONE LIKE MY PICTURES? DOES EVERYONE LIKE ME? Hell, I don’t even like me. I still love photography, but I like doing it for me, not for you. Sorry. I’ve had a similar timeline with app deletion, account deactivation, and mass unfollowing on Instagram that I had on Twitter. For now both accounts still exist but I feel no connection to them. It’s like they belong to someone else. Someone I used to be.

YouTube, that’s a complicated one. I love filmmaking. YouTube is the easiest place to publish that work. What I’m making right now excites me, so YouTube is going to survive the Great Purge of 2020. Congrats YouTube.

There’s one more place you might know me from. A sobriety podcast called Club Soda Club. That one is 100% who I am right now. We stopped making it for a few reasons, but I have great news, IT’S BACK! Except now it’s just me and Derek. It has a new name, Brobriety. If you already subscribed to our old podcast you’re all set, we’re keeping it on that feed. If not, you can subscribe here. There will be a new episode out every Tuesday starting sometime in the second half of October (we had planned to launch today but there were technical issues). The name is a bit tongue in cheek. We’re aiming to tackle issues like toxic masculinity and “bro” culture head on. We get vulnerable, talk about love, loss, regret, addiction, rock bottom, being afraid of failure, and all kinds of stuff “real men” aren’t supposed to talk about. Will we cry? Probably! It’s going to beautiful.

I guess that’s it. Thanks to everyone who’s reached out wondering where I was. I’m right here, starting again.
