fujifilm gfx

Fujifilm X Summit Global 2021 - My Thoughts

Is anyone else getting really tired of online only events? Ya, me too… Anyways, Fujifilm held their 2021 X Summit today and if you’re tuned into the requisite rumour sites there weren’t any big surprises. Let’s talk X series first.


Expanding on the recent 18mm f/1.4, Fujifilm have added 23mm and 33mm focal lengths to their fast prime lineup. The 23mm is interesting to me, but I have genuine mixed emotions about the 33. The 35mm f/1.4 is one of the original X series lenses and has been a personal favourite of mine for years. Yes, it’s slow to focus. Yes, it’s noisey, but there’s something very special about the way it renders. I’m glad Fujifilm decided against a version 2 of the 35. I’ll reserve judgement until I get my hands on the 33.


Now for the big stuff. Let’s not mince words, the original GFX50S was UGLY. Like, maybe one of the ugliest cameras I’ve ever seen. Ugly looks aside, my time with the original GFX camera was short, but informative. It was big, slow, expensive, and did I mention ugly? But the raw files, oh my god the raw files. All was forgiven when I saw those sweet sweet 50mp files in Lightroom. Then the 50R came out. WAY better looking with the same files. The 100 took things to a whole new level, and the 100S showed what the 50S could have looked like. Well, that’s exactly what the 50Sii is, a 100S body with a 50S sensor.

Is that a bad thing? I don’t think so. It looks great. It has IBIS, better AF (according to Fujifilm), and new film simulations. It has the same X Processor 4 as the original 50S which Fujifilm says they have overclocked for better performance.

There’s also a new “entry level” kit lens available, a 35-70mm f/4.5-5.6. Seeing as the 50Sii is significantly cheaper than the original 50S this new lens will be a nice body/lens combo for anyone wanting to get into the GFX system.

That brings me to the elephant in the room, price. At $3999usd body only and $4499 with the kit lens the GFX50Sii seems like one heck of a bargain for a medium format digital camera. That is… until you start comparing it to some full frame cameras like the Sony A7Riv or the Nikon Z7II. Both cost less and will run circles around the GFX50Sii in almost every measurable way. But that’s not really the point. There is something about the look from these medium format sensors that full frame can’t quite match, and for less than the price of the original 50S body you can now get that medium format goodness for close to full frame money.

In the end it depends on what you think is important. Is the extra cost justified compared to flagship full frame cameras? Maybe, but until the 50Sii has the speed of the 100 and 100S, it’s a very tough choice.
