
There are things in life, things that you have no say in, that weigh heavily on your soul. You may not realize how heavy these things are until they’re gone. November 7th 2020 saw something that had been weighing heavily upon me, upon all of us, end. Donald Trump lost. He’s done. He’s out. Well, he’s kicking and screaming that he’s been wronged but what else would we expect from him. It doesn’t matter, he lost, and it wasn’t close. Biden beat him by a far wider margin than he beat Clinton.

Scott Graham - 2020

Scott Graham - 2020

But Scott, you’re Canadian. Why would you care about Trump? Well friend, like it or not what happens in America has consequences for the rest of the world. Canada sits snuggled up along their northern border and as such is greatly influenced by America. During Trump’s reign we saw, as did the rest of the world, a rise in racism, zelophobia, toxic masculinity, and the rise of the “Alt Right” which are more commonly known as Nazis. Trump fanned these flame, embraced them, and used them as a weapon. The tip of their spear has broken. Yes, the far right is still a big problem, but they have been dealt a serious blow.

Scott Graham - 2020

Scott Graham - 2020

November 7th felt like the biggest exhale I’ve ever had. I wasn’t expecting it to affect me as much as it did. When the world needed a win, it got one. Is everything going to be perfect now? Not a chance, but I’m hopeful. There is so much work to do, and it starts with us. It starts with white men realizing that they have been the recipients of a disproportionate and unearned amount of control and importance over the last century or ten.

I’m going to let this feeling of relief wash over me, and them I’m going to keep moving forward.

Let’s move forward, together.
