
Change is inevitable. Creating content is a grind, especially if you’re no longer passionate about the subject matter. I’ve come to a point in my creative journey where what I’m doing no longer excites me. That’s how I know it’s time stop.

Over the past few years I’ve made a bunch of videos about cameras and camera gear, and I’ve had a lot of fun doing it. I had to teach myself film making, editing, sound design, lighting, and a lot of other skills to make the things I make. Am I an expert? Nope. Am I even good at any of those things? Well, I’m better than I was when I started, so I’ll call it a win.

Gear videos are the most popular videos on my channel, by a big margin, so it kind of forced me to stay on that path. I’ve come to a point where the numbers don’t matter to me anymore. This pandemic has shown me that material possessions don’t make me happy. Another camera, another watch, another bag, none of them help me feel better about myself. When I talk about gear it makes people want to buy stuff and I’ve found that there’s rarely a scenario where someone NEEDS to upgrade.

So what now? I want to create content with intention. I want to share how photography helps me cope with life and all of its ups and downs. I want to talk about sobriety, something I’m very passionate about. I want to talk about the benefits of therapy and the benefits of learning to be a better human being through learning about the struggles of others.

I made a short film to kick off this new direction, I hope you like it.
